FLOWERS 2024 - Thank-you to everyone who has donated money for flowers to decorate the church every Sunday during 2023. If you would like to give money for flowers for a particular date in 2023, please write your name and contact telephone number on the new calendar which is available in the concourse on Sunday mornings. At other times, please speak to a steward.

BIBLE STUDY - The Bible Study based on the film ‘The Greatest Showman’ will continue on Tuesday 9th and 23rd July at 7.30pm at the manse. All welcome, but please let Jude know if you will be coming.

ELECTION DAY - Thursday July 4th - The church will be open for quiet prayer from 10.00am to 1.00pm. Why not call in for a few minutes if you are around.

Following on from Christian Aid week, all are invited to a Service of Reflection, Thanksgiving and Celebration on Sunday July 7th at 7pm where we will be joined by Ellen Loudon, Director of Social Justice & Canon Chancellor, Liverpool Cathedral and Diocese of Liverpool and other special guests and during which there will be a time of prayer, worship and thanksgiving for Christian Aid Week 2024. The service will be on Zoom and is free to attend, but those attending are asked to sign up at

Circuit Events

July 7th - Circuit Farewell service for Rev. Lyndsay Kemp at Tiviot Dale. 6.30pm preceded by refreshments from 5.30pm.

Advance Notices

August 17th - Festival at the Ridge Methodist Church - if you would like to hold a stall please contact Jude Laycock (

August 20th - Coach trip to Llandudno - Departing Marple Methodist Church at 9.30am, returning 6 - 6.30pm. Cheques for £20 payable to Marple Methodist Church please to Hazel Jones or a church steward.

September 21st - Kids bowling Event - more details available nearer the time - but save the date if you are interested.